- Thu, Jul 31, 2008 /
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Mommy and I are back home! We drove back on Monday. The trip didn't take quite as long coming back because we didn't have to slow down for a rain storm (which then made us have to stop a third time for a bottle on the way down).
Mommy and I spent most of the day yesterday in our pajamas recovering. whew! Then, last night, I went and spent a few hours with Grandmomma Mel and Granddaddy Rick while Mommy and Daddy went to watch their friend, Dustin, perform at 3rd & Lindsley in honor of the release of his new CD, "I Can't Fly" (www.dustinoverbeek.com) . It was really exciting for them to see him play that venue!
Today I went to the pediatrician for my 2 month check-up. I FINALLY seem to have put some weight on! I weigh...... 7 lbs and 8 oz! Mommy could hardly believe her ears! She's noticed that I'm starting to fill out. My arms and legs and feet are getting pudgier. I'm also fitting into some of my clothes better (even though they are still "newborn" size).
Dr. Hood was very pleased with my development and noted that I have pretty good muscle control while propped on Mommy's shoulder. Mommy was happy when she said that, but then later after I showed her I could grasp relly well, Dr. Hood put me on my tummy and I showed her how I can lift my head REALLY high and even Dr. Hood got all giddy! She was THRILLED with my ability to do that. She said she thought my muscle tone was in line with that of "typical" babies. (happy fists!!). So, GREAT check-up!
...except, I thought the last part was NOT so great! The nurse came in and gave me THREE shots in my thighs. WAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!
Mommy brought me straight home and gave me some Tylenol and I spent the remainder of the afternoon/evening resting!